14 Replies to “Volcano barbecue – Top Gear Outtakes – BBC”

  1. He looks terrified, and probably with good cause. His road could block at any minute, and there is a chance the lava could hit him!

    1. I would also be terrified being so close to 300C warm lava. Since when this was filmed the eruption had not stopped, just slowed down. The red hot lava you see there is about 800C warm.

      1. Me too. Is the presenter telling himself to relax or the crew:?

        What sort of lava is that?

  2. I was at Fímmvörðuháls last august. Coming from Landmannalaugar, I wanted to make the “5vh”. I was very excited to see the new lava and the craters. In 2010 I “only” could see the eruption under the glacier. At the hut, the warden told me she wants go to the craters in the night – she has been told, there should be some places with glowing lava – 17 months after the eruption!
    Ok, this was a “me too”! After an hour walk, we were able to see these places, glowing lava just a few centimeters below the surface! And the one thing I newer will forget is the smell of rubber coming from our shoes when we have been to close!
    So, I cannot think that this was a cosy place to stay for a while!

  3. The ONLY way to cook lamb chops! 🙂
    Stefan- That sound really cool viewing the glowing lava at night 17 months after the eruption.

  4. I dont think James May was afraid, he drove on the lava after eating that steak.

    Here he is checking the tires before going up on the glacier. Notice the tubes on the fenders, for water spraying the tires so they would burn slower.


    Here they are on the way up, the top iron plate has been removed because of the storm.

    Lava flows like that are quite dangerous, it is constantly moving and can take you by surprise, a Icelandic scientist Steinþór Sigurðsson died when inspecting a lava flow like this one at Hekla 1947 when a lava rock fell on him.

    1. Because Iceland Meteorological Office put a new sensor there. They have been increasing the SIL network around Katla volcano after Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption in the year 2010.

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