Please donate too support me

This is a off-topic blog post.

I feel that I have made too many of this “please donate” blog posts. But my money problems are not over and I am also trying to get enough donations so that I can buy two new geophones so that I can monitor Katla volcano and Reykjanes, Reykjanes Ridge (and all the volcanoes that are on it) and also SISZ. Donations post for that can be found here. So far 4,486.82 DKK have been donated so that I can buy the geophones, so I am not far from the target of 6,731.18 DKK that I need to buy the two geophones (I do not have the customs and VAT number, since I do not have a clue what that is going to be).

However, that is not enough I feel. As I need something to survive this month. Thankfully I spend less on food as I have already paid for it with the school. But there is always something that I need to buy outside of school kitchen. Almost all of my welfare income goes into paying up the debt with the bank. That is what does not go into paying bills that needs to get paid and sending money into my Danish account, so I can pay the bills there too. Today I owe the bank around 3.346,05 Euro, 4.518,96 USD, 24.894,14 DKK (I am going too lower that amount today (3 October 2011) by a good amount.). This month I did get paid from Google Adsense amount of 1,128.77 DKK (but nothing from Amazon, not enough money for a payout). So that improves the situation a little bit for me. But that is not a lot for me too have during a month. I have some savings in my Danish account, but they are being cut by spending. That I am trying to keep in total minimum and I do not allow my self a lot these days. What is also a problem for me is the costly hardware replacement that I had go into in September. As my hard drives where failing (one failed completely) and needed a replacement.

This blog has become a big part of what I do today. When I did start this a little more then one year ago that was not the direction that I had planned for it. The original idea was too just have it like my other Icelandic blog. But this turned out differently and here I am. Working on what I want to do, writing about volcanoes and earthquakes. Alongside that I am trying too write books (not going so well at the moment, but that is up for a change) about fiction, volcanoes, earthquakes and what ever I want to write about. But until that gets going I am rather depended on the income that I get from this web page.

I am not asking for a big donations. Just a little something. Those how do not want to use Paypal too donate can get bank informations here.

So, many of my readers must be wondering when my period of being broke and in debt is going to end. My plan is too end the debt period in December 2011, or in January 2012. Until I move back to Denmark. I am going to be collecting as much money that I can. Both from a computer job that I got with fixing a computer. As I know from experience that it is a expensive too move from Iceland to Denmark. So when am I going back to Denmark. The goal is June 2012, but at no later point then in September 2012. But this depends on when I get apartment in Ringsted (the city I plan moving too in Denmark). My backup plan is too move back to Sønderborg, if Ringsted fails when it comes too getting a apartment. But that is currently a wait and see status on that for the moment. But that is all going to clear up in January 2012.

Why I am telling you all this. I want too do so. So people know 100% + 10% what they are donation for and supporting. Thanks for the support.

10 Replies to “Please donate too support me”

  1. Dear Jon,
    I am also really enjoying this blog, I am reading here until Lady E blew up, as my life was deeply affected by this volcano. I send you a small donation some days ago.
    Thinking about ways to support you and your blog an idea crossed my mind, and if you are interested I will work out, if it is feasible to maybe get you on my companies payroll for doing some little (volcano related) writing work. As this would be a new project it wouldn’t be that much money at the beginning (but also not much writing).

    If you are interested just drop me an eMail (you can see my email at the blog post, right?), so we could talk about it.

    Best regards,

    1. until = since, in the first line…

      Just arrived in Japan with a biiiiiiig jetlag and obiously unable to formulate complete sentences 😛

    2. This type of work is a depend on many factors. But I am about to release my first short story for a ebook. But I do not know if I get anything from it. So that is just a release and hope for the best.

      1. Would be some more or less technical writing on volcanism in the corporate intelligence field… can’t go into more details on a public site, so as I said if you are interested send me an email…

        P.S.: Trying to get some extra funding for your heliocorder hardware past the beancounters desks – might take some weeks, though…

      2. Well, Then I can’t do it. As I am not a professional geologist. As they often work in the corporate field like the one you are suggesting.

        I am just a writer with interest in volcanoes and earthquakes.

        Thanks for the support. 🙂

    3. “I am reading here [since] Lady E blew up, as my life was deeply affected by this volcano.” -Soho

      Jon’s blog did not exist when Lady Eyja blew up, but started 5 months thereafter, just for the record.

  2. Oups – then i mixed it up, was a crazy time for us trying to aggregate information from all sources possible.

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