People in eastern Iceland told to prepare for possible eruption in Askja volcano

Rúv News is reporting that people in eastern Iceland should look up information on how to deal with possible volcano ash from Askja volcano. This is an general advice to people in eastern Iceland because of possible eruption in Askja volcano, that can start without any warning or little warning. There is some risk of eruption in Askja volcano that might create an ash cloud, but there is also a chance that if Askja volcano erupts that the eruption is going to be a lava flow eruption, close to what happened in Bárðarbunga volcano in 2014 to 2015 eruption.

There is a possibility that the eruption from Askja volcano is going to go south, into the new Holuhraun lava field and craters after the Bárðarbunga volcano eruption of 2014 to 2015. There has been some earthquake activity in that area in recent weeks and there might be a weakness in the crust at that location that was not sealed during last eruption. What happens is only going to be clear once an eruption starts and until then its all just speculation.

Icelandic News about Askja volcano

Íbúar á Austurlandi ættu að kynna sér leiðbeiningar um öskugos (Rú, Icelandic)