Magnitude mb5,2 earthquake in Central Mediterranean sea, south of Malta

Today (30. January 2023) at 19:55 UTC (20:55 CET) an earthquake with magnitude of mb5,2 took place south of Malta in Central Mediterranean sea. According to reports to EMSC, this earthquake was felt in Malta. Damage is unlikely because of distance from populated areas. This is not the first earthquake in this area and this earthquake activity is what I consider interesting.

Since there’s a slight chance it might be volcano or magma related, but I am not sure on that because I don’t have any good knowledge of this area. There might be a volcano in this area, but for same reasons as before. I am not sure because of my lack of knowledge of this area. Maps, good as they are, don’t show any noticeable features on the ocean floor in this area.

Information about this earthquake can be found here on EMSC website.