Strong earthquake swarm in Katla volcano (22-November-2022)

Today (22-November-2022) a strong earthquake swarm started in Katla volcano at 19:55 UTC. Strongest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw4,4. One Mw3,5 earthquake was recorded with several smaller earthquakes. Magnitudes and number of earthquakes are changing. This is an updated text of the earthquake magnitude.

Three green stars in Katla volcano caldera along with few red dots that show smaller earthquakes.
Green stars in Katla volcano showing the locations of the strongest earthquakes. Picture from Icelandic Met Office.

What is going on is unclear at the writing of this article. At the writing of this article I am not seeing any change in harmonic tremor, but that might change without warning. I’ll post updates if anything more happens in Katla volcano.

Added: I added the donate buttons back if people want to support my work. I had to remove them because of a increased fraud risk in October and that might be ongoing risk.

Article updated at 21:16 UTC.
Article updated at 23:06 UTC.

Earthquake swarm in Kolbeinsey island (north of Grímsey island)

Today (22-November-2022) an earthquake swarm took place in Kolbeinsey island. This is far north of Grímsey island. Largest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw3,1 and total of four of those earthquakes happened. More than dozen smaller earthquakes have happened. Because how far this activity is from Icelandic Met Office SIL network only the largest earthquakes are being measured.

Green stars far north on the map, north of Iceland. This is the location of Kolbeinsey island. There are dots all over Iceland showing smaller earthquakes.
Green stars show the earthquake activity in Kolbeinsey island. Picture from Icelandic Met Office.

What is going on is unclear. This might just be normal tectonic activity for this area. There is only poor monitoring of this area since its out in the ocean and remote.