The importance of good science in geology (and other fields too)

I am not going to make this a long blog post.

I know that many of you find that I have been unfair when it comes to deal with certain ideas about geology and how it works. The truth however is that this was a lot more then just a idea, or a hypothesis. The claim was that “evidence” had been found for the claim to support. But from what I did see, no evidence where provided in support of the claim. To to be fair, it was sad that this idea might be wrong and wrong it was in my opinion.

This is what I call bad science. It is something that is not going to work and is never going to. The scientific method (wiki) is well established way of proofing claims and ideas.

For instance, all that I do in terms of geology and other fields of science fall all under this process. If I fail it is a important step, because it at least gave me a result to work with. When doing science, it is important to life with the fact not everything that is done is going to work up, or even get that far before it fails so spectacular that they did notice in the next lab over.

I do not dismiss everything that I read. But I am going to dismiss it if no evidence is provided with the claim in question. I my self is working on few ideas, that I have at least started from start up around 40 to 50 times on times. Just because it failed my test and did not fit the data that was observed.

This is how progress is made. With hard work and good scientific method. What is not progress is Pseudoscience (wiki) that in fact return nothing in the short and long term. I have for too long seen this happens on the internet and I am not going to let this happen to any of my blogs that deal with science topics (including this one here. It is a slow, slow blog).

Ideas are good and all that. Just tell the world if you have any data or not when you put your idea forward.

I also want to point out this two articles here. They are not science in them self. But they might explains one or two things about why I am strict on this matter and with the comments. But I want to keep this blog clean and good for all my readers.

5 Ways to Stop Trolls From Killing the Internet (
Internet Argument Techniques (

Thanks for the understanding.

The year 2012 myths – Official blog stand notice from me (Jón Frímann)

I am getting a really tiered of the year 2012 myths that are making there way into discussion here. This nonsense has been outright debunked long time ago as can be seen here.

So this is a official policy notice in regards to this blog of my part. Any comment that refers to the year 2012 myth in part or a whole is going to be removed in all future blog post. If you feel the need to discuses such matters do it somewhere else. This is not the place for it. As this is serious blog about serious volcanoes in Iceland (and sometimes in other part of the world too).

We might put up a idea on volcano activity here. But that is all good. As such ideas can often be wrong. But that is part of the process of learning. But repeating nonsense is not. It is a waste of time and energy to do so. Both mine and other readers and commenter’s on this blog.