It has been reported today that possible glacier flood has taken place in Hofsjökull volcano. Reports did come to Icelandic Meteorological Office that a glacier river named Jökulsá Vestri in Skagarfirði (Wikipedia). It is not known what is causing this change in the glacier river, it might be anything from a mud slide to change in the glacier itself. Amount of water in the glacier river has not changed according to IMO monitoring of the river.
Smell of sulfur has been reported with this change in the glacier river. That means the water has been in contact with hydrothermal areas that are under Hofsjökull glacier (volcano). No earthquake activity or change of any type has taken place following this change in Jökulsá Vestri in Skagarfirði.
If anything more happens. I am going to update this blog post or post an new one if I need to.
Icelandic News on this event
Jökulsá Vestari óvenjuleg á litin (Rú
Brennisteinslykt við Goðdali (
Dear jon, everytime I check your newest info, I am struggeling to find the exact location of the activities mentioned. As I am frequently checking your posts with my smartphone it is hard to search for the location of interest quickly. Do you think it might be possible for you to provide a map of iceland indicating the location of activity. This would make the information far mor accessable. Anyway, keep up with your excellent work, active times are close ahead (just a stomache feeling).
Cheers robo
In this case all that is known is this. The activity is somewhere in Hofsjökull volcano. I have problems providing maps due to copyright issues, in many cases I might not be allowed to use such images with a blog post. Rather then risking an issue, I just skip it.
Here is a map of Hofsjökull volcano,
Here is the Wikipedia information on it,
And if i draw you a map, simple and use focused as a jpeg, would you use it, add a little red dot of the location to it, to then post it everytime there is a activity in a remote place?