A small ash plume over Eyjafjallajökull volcano today ?

A few of my readers reported today in comments that they did see a small ash plume or something of that nature today over Eyjafjallajökull volcano. While I stress that this is still unconfirmed at this stage it might well have happened.

There are two options that might explain what did happen today. One is that a ash was moving due to wind in the area. But this happens quite a lot during the dry times in the winter and summer. The second option is that a older magma from the eruption earlier this year was on the move and made a small eruption that did go unnoticed on the seismometers around Eyjafjallajökull volcano. I do not know how long this event in Eyjafjallajökull volcano today is supposed to have lasted. But it appears to have been for several hours in the longest.

But other then this it appears that Eyjafjallajökull volcano is mostly quiet. But some deep earthquakes have started again in the past few weeks. But so far they have not been increasing in numbers so a new eruption is not expected at this time by me or the experts.

Update on the activity over the Christmas

Here is a short update on what did go on in Iceland over the Christmas. In all there where few earthquakes in Iceland during Christmas. The main reason for this was a major storm that started in south Iceland on the 25th of December, it lasted until 27th of December in some parts of Iceland. The wind was topping 47m/s in strong winds. But the average wind speed was about 32m/s I think.

Around 17:02 UTC on the 25th of December there was a ML2.77 earthquake in Krísuvík volcano. Far as I can tell by the wave form this earthquake was mostly tectonic in nature. But it is impossible to know if the main source of this earthquake was the magma that is collecting in Krísuvík volcano or not. But activity continues in Krísuvík volcano as it has been doing in the last few weeks before. This earthquake was followed by 20 or so smaller earthquakes in the same area.

Due to the strong storm there where few to no earthquakes recorded on the late 25th to 27th of December. But the storm did simply hide all the minor earthquake that might have been taking place.

The ML2.77 earthquake in Krísuvík at 17:02 UTC at Heklubyggð geophone station. The storm noise almost drowns out the earthquake signal. This plot is filtered at 4Hz as a cut off frequency.

The ML2.77 earthquake in Krísuvík at 17:02 UTC at Hvammstangi geophone station. A normal level of noise can be seen both sides of the earthquake. No storm noise is presented in this plot, as it had not started in north of Iceland at this time.

A few deep earthquakes where seen in Eyjafjallajökull volcano over the same period. At current it is hard to know what they mean in the long term. But it is clear that Eyjafjallajökull volcano continues to make a little rumble and has not quieted down at current time.

Inflation starts again in Eyjafjallajökull volcano

After a few months of a period of stability in Eyjafjallajökull volcano after the eruption ended on the 28th of May 2010. There seems to be more instability starting again in Eyjafjallajökull volcano. This instability can so far only be seen on GPS sensors around the volcano. So far the inflation that is starting at medium rate, about 5mm on every 24 hours or so. This is clear when a early results (not error corrected) are checked from Icelandic Met Office GPS network. The trigger for the current instability appears to be a sharp deflation that took place in Eyjafjallajökull volcano few days ago.

Picture is from Icelandic Met Office, copyright of this picture belongs to them. Click on the picture for higher resolution.

Automatic GPS data from 21st of December 2010. The GPS station name is THEY and is on the south slope of Eyjafjallajökull volcano. The sharp deflation appears clearly on the GPS automatic data (not error corrected) and is followed by a sharp inflation period that is currently ongoing. I got a email from a expert that tells me that volcano ash can interfere with the GPS signal. But this does not change my opinion on that a inflation is about to start in Eyjafjallajökull volcano.

It currently remains unclear if this inflation period in Eyjafjallajökull volcano is going to continue. At current time the inflation in Eyjafjallajökull volcano is going to continue. It is also clear that today Eyjafjallajökull volcano is few weeks from re-starting the eruption, as it has not inflated enough to do so. But what is unclear is if this inflation and inflow of new magma under Eyjafjallajökull volcano is going to move around older magma that currently is higher up in the Eyjafjallajökull volcano plumbing after the eruption started earlier this year. For the moment the only that can be done is to wait and see what happens next.

Wikipedia articles on Eyjafjallajökull volcano

2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull

Text updated at 23:49 UTC on 21st of December 2010.

Eyjafjallajökull volcano ash moves in the strong wind

In the news today here in Iceland there is a small news about the volcano ash moving from the strong northern wind that is currently taking place in Iceland. Today NASA took a good picture from this in orbit. This ash is still creating a lot of issues for people in the area affect by the ash cloud.

Picture NASA. This picture is suppose to be from today. I have not been able to find the full size picture of this ash moving from the wind out to the ocean. You can also see a lot of sand moving because of the wind out to the ocean as well.

Icelandic news about this. Use Google Translate.

Aska fýkur frá Eyjafjallajökli (mbl.is)

Krísuvík volcano / Kleifarvatn lake static image

Here is a image from Icelandic Met Office about the earthquakes that have been taking place in Krísuvík volcano over the past few weeks. This plot shows the latest 15 days.

This image is from Icelandic Met Office. Copyright belongs to them. The original copy can be found here. Click on the image for full resolution.

The Hekla volcano system earthquake last night

Here is a high resolution image of the Hekla volcano system earthquake yesterday. The earthquake was located in south-east part of the Hekla volcano system. But that area has been having earthquakes for few months now, starting few years ago. I am unclear on why this is happening in Hekla volcano system. But sometimes Hekla volcano erupts in fissures (crater row eruptions). But not from the main volcano.

This earthquake was small like the earthquakes before him, registering only at ML2.43. The depth was 10 km. It was only 15.4 km away from my geophone. But that is the reason why it appear so clearly on my geophone.

Small weather news

Here is the view from my apartment in Hvammstangi earlier today. This is due to a storm that is coming from the north of Iceland. The winds are strong and the snow is on the move due that. The frost is only about -3C. But with the wind it goes down to -20 to -40C.

Click on both pictures to get full resolution.

Good chance of Krísuvík volcano eruption in immanent future

I have been viewing data on Krísuvík volcano and what has been happening recently. Out of this checking I have come to a conclusion that a eruption in Krísuvík volcano is going to place in immanent future. When that might happen is impossible to know for sure.

Far as I know there is no written history on the last eruption at Krísuvík volcano that took place in 14th century. Because of this lack of historic witness of the last eruption in Krísuvík volcano it is impossible to know how the Krísuvík volcano is going to behave before it starts erupting.

It is my un-professional opinion that when a eruption starts in Krísuvík volcano we are going to see something like that took place in Krafla volcano when it erupts. Not exactly like Krafla volcano but something along those lines in eruption style. But Krísuvík volcano is going to have Hawaiian type eruption style when it starts erupting. Unless the eruption takes place under water. Then a Surtseyjan style eruption takes place while a water can get into the crater.

Please note that this is a theory that I am working on. It might work out in part or in full. But then again it might be completely wrong and not work at all. If the second option is true, then I am going to start again and make a new idea on what is going on at Krísuvík volcano.

Pictures of Kleifarvatn lake hot springs

I got this pictures in a email from a person how wants to remain nameless. Don’t ask me why, it is just a request that I got with the email and I see no reason not to grand it.

The hot springs at the south end of Kleifarvatn lake hot springs. The hot springs there are not new. But they do get lost when the water level rises in Kleifarvatn lake. When the water level dropped after the year 2000 years in the area this hot springs where for the first time visible to humans.

Click on all the pictures to get a full resolution.

The earthquakes swarm at Krísuvík (close to this area) continues with few breaks it seems.

Earthquake wave forms from Krísuvík volcano earthquake swarm yesterday

I don’t have a lot to write about the earthquake swarm in Krísuvík volcano that took place there yesterday. But according to IMO the largest earthquake was felt in Hafnafjöður and in Reykjavík.

Here are the wave form data of the largest and the second largest earthquakes. There are no location data in this image. As I have not had time to put them into the wave form data.

From Hekubyggð. This is the ML2.8 earthquake.

From Hvammstangi. This is the ML2.8 earthquake. This one is low-pass filtered at 4Hz.

From Hekubyggð. This is the ML2.5 earthquake.

All pictures can be clicked to see the higher resolution of them.

Warning level around Eyjafjallajökull volcano lowered down to uncertainty level

In a press release by Almannavarnir (Iceland Civil Protection) it is announced the lowering of the warning level around Eyjafjallajökull from danger area down to uncertainty level. There are also some travel restriction lifted that have been in place around Eyjafjallajökull volcano. The current warning level is the lowest warning level that Almannavarnir has.

The Press release by Almannavarnir in Icelandic. Use Google Translate at own risk.

Lækkun á almannavarnastigi frá neyðarstigi niður á óvissustig vegna eldgossins í Eyjafjallajökli (almannavarnir.is)

Icelandic News about this.

Almannavarnastig lækkað í óvissustig (mbl.is)
Almannavarnir lækka viðbúnaðarstig (Rúv.is)
Almannavarnastig vegna Eyjafjallajökuls lækkað (Vísir.is)