Earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

Today (4-April-2014) has been marked by an large earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. For the moment this earthquake swarm is man made. This earthquake swarm is due the fact that Orkuveita Reykjavíkur is pumping down large amount of water (full of led and other hazardous things) back into the ground. This creates pressure change in the crust and that starts an earthquake swarm in the area. It is possible to monitor this earthquake swarm here on my webicorder website.

The earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Activity has been so high in this area today that it has been creating ghost earthquakes on the earthquake map of Iceland.

Some earthquakes on this map are ghost earthquakes due to high earthquake activity in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano is going to continue for as long as they continue to pump down water into the crust in this location. As for the magnitude of the earthquakes that appear during this time is difficult to say. Largest earthquake so far had the magnitude of 2,9, it is also possible that larger earthquakes might take place in this location or nearby location if stress changes due to this activity take place. I don’t know if that is going to happen, but it is worth monitoring for such changes just in case anything happens.

Blog post updated at 20:54 UTC.
Blog post updated at 20:57 UTC.

Earthquake swarm on Reykjanes ridge

During the night (4-April-2014) an earthquake swarm took place on the Reykjanes Ridge. Largest earthquake in this swarm had the magnitude of 3,5 and was felt on land according to information from Icelandic Meteorological Office. This earthquake swarm might still be ongoing, but it only lasted for about 1 hour last night. That is not really long period of activity for an earthquake swarm in this area. It is possible to monitor the earthquake here on my webicorder website. I am going to remove the test card images once I have my Gentoo Linux up and running in few days time.

The earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes Ridge. Green stars mark earthquakes with magnitude larger than 3,0. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Unconfirmed information in news on Rú suggest that this earthquake swarm might have its origin in magma movement at this location. Rather than tectonic activity at the same area. This area often has powerful earthquake swarms. Earthquake swarms in this area often drop in activity for few to several days at the time, before they resume at even more powerful then before. I don’t know if that is going to happen now, there is an good chance that is going to happen now or this might just be it. All that can is possible to do at the moment is to wait and see what happens next.

Update on the hard drive saga: So I did buy a new hard drive. When I did try to use it I found out that the drive I had bought was faulty from the factory. The store has already ordered an replacement hard drive and I should get it on Monday. I hope this issue is resolved by then. I have already received donations to support buying this new hard drive. But that does not mean my financial status is good this month. But it is far better now than in April or the months before it. Thankfully. Thanks for the support. I am currently using my Windows XP (normally just used to play games) hard drive to write this while my Gentoo Linux is out of commission due the hard drive failure.

Three earthquakes in Hekla volcano. Earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

For the past 24 hours tree earthquakes so far have been recorded in Hekla volcano. There is no sign of eruption or anything other than earthquakes taking place at present time.

The earthquake activity in Hekla volcano (top left). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

It is possible to monitor Hekla volcano here for earthquakes (almost real-time data).
Here is an list of web cameras that point to Hekla volcano.
Míla web camera of Hekla volcano can be viewed here.
IMO earthquake web page can be viewed here.

Currently there is bad weather in south Iceland that makes observation and monitoring of Hekla volcano difficult.

Earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

Yesterday (23-March-2014) and Today (24-March-2014) an earthquake swarm took place in Hengill volcano. This earthquake swarm has its source in water being pumped down into the ground from Orkuveita Reykjavíkur (geothermal plant in this area).

The earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This are not volcano related. This happens when cold water (polluted) is being pumped back into the ground. That makes earthquake swarms like this one common.

Two earthquakes in Hekla volcano. Deep earthquake in Katla volcano

Yesterday (20-March-2014) and today (21-March-2014) there were earthquakes in Hekla volcano. The earthquake yesterday had the magnitude of 1,2 and depth of 9,1 km. The earthquake today had the magnitude of 1,2 and the depth of 7,1 km.

The two earthquakes in Hekla volcano and the deep earthquake in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake activity does not mean Hekla volcano is about to erupt. What this means is unclear at present time.

Katla volcano

Today there was also an deep earthquake in Katla volcano. This earthquake had the magnitude of 1,4 and the depth of 21,8 km. Earthquakes at this depth are due to some change in the magma at depth. This however does not mean Katla volcano is about to erupt. Far from it. Earthquake activity in Katla volcano is normal and possibly below normal activity, it is at least certainly not above winter earthquake activity at present time.


It is possible to monitor Hekla and Katla volcanoes here on IMO website.
I have my webicorder website here.
I have list of online web cameras here.
Live from Iceland web camera can be found here.

Icelandic news about this

Tveir jarðskjálftar við Heklu (

No imminent eruption in Hekla volcano

There have been rumours that Hekla volcano is about to erupt. This is according to Rúv News, Icelandic Meteorological Office and Icelandic Civil Protection authorities. Currently there are no signs of imminent eruption in Hekla volcano, it’s as quiet as it has been for the past 14 years. That is going to change one day, but at the moment everything is quiet. What is being done now is that Icelandic Authorities are setting up warning signs (new ones) to warn people and provide guidance in advance in the case an eruption starts. Since eruption can and has started with a short notice in Hekla volcano in the past and short notice eruption is going to take place in the future. When that might be is not something that can be predicted at current time.

Geological scientists are also installing more gas monitoring hardware up close to Hekla volcano. They hope to spot changes in gas release some time before an eruption takes place. It is untested if this is going to work. Doing this also has some issues, since weather and wind can make it difficult to detected the gas that comes out from the ground. Along with other issues that I don’t know the details of.

If people want to monitor Hekla volcano them self. They can do so on-line at following internet websites.

Webicorders (The station named Hekla, earthquakes, harmonic tremor appear here)
Web camera Hekla (Heklubyggð, same location as my geophone)
Míla Hekla webcamera (live stream)
Rúv Hekla webcamera (currently not working)
Icelandic Meteorological Office Hekla web-page (Icelandic)
IMO Mýrdalsjökull earthquake map also has Hekla volcano on it (top left). It’s updated every 5. min, and anything that happens in Hekla volcano is going to appear on this page.

If anything happens in Hekla volcano it is going to appear clearly on the above links.

Icelandic Civil Authorities warning sign about what to do if there is an eruption in Hekla volcano. Orignal pdf file can be found here.

Click on the image for full size. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Civil Authorities (Almannavarnir).

Icelandic and English news of Hekla volcano

Hekla Volcano Eruption Hazard Signs Put Up (Iceland Review)

Engin merki um að Hekla sé að bæra á sér (Rú, Icelandic)
Gasmælingar aukast við Heklu (, picture of a gas monitoring station, Icleandic)

Earthquake in Hekla volcano. Deep earthquake in Katla volcano

On the 17-March-2014 at 19:59 UTC an earthquake took place in Hekla volcano. This earthquake had the magnitude of 1,0 and the depth of 9,1 km. I did record it on my geophone just barley, it is possible to watch for activity in Hekla volcano here. This earthquake does not mean that Hekla volcano is about to erupt, but it is interesting anyway. What it means remains unclear at the present time.

The earthquake in Hekla volcano. It is marked with an blue dot. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Katla volcano

Yesterday (18-March-2014) an deep earthquake (in the picture above, in the central caldera) took place in Katla volcano. The magnitude of this earthquake was 0,7 and this earthquake had the depth of 28,9 km. As was mentioned in comment yesterday. This earthquake in it self is no important from the looks of it. No special harmonic activity took place following this earthquake.

All quiet. Just wind and ocean waves. The spike on the 19-March-2014 is due to earthquake in Goðabunga part of Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Donations: Please remember to support my work by donation. Thanks!


I did try to go advertisement free (for the second time) and it failed again. Since I need the extra income from this website and from my writing work to make a proper living. I want to be advertisement free, as I did explain here (I have updated this post now). Going advertisement free requires donations that I am simply not getting and it is an fact one cannot be without money. Without it it’s just hunger and pain. As it is not far from what I am currently experiencing (I got €0,49 in my bank account at current time or 3,61 DKK). The thing however is that I am well advised in not having any money so I prepare a little in terms of buying food but currently I am at my limit. I am not sure what the rest of this month (March) is going to be for me. This site might one day be advertisement free, that is however not going to happen until I can afford it. When that might be I have no idea.

The job question:

Many people wonders why I don’t have a job and many people expect that I have a job and don’t ask for donations. I have asperger’s syndrome [Second link here]. I have problem with working a normal job. It’s not that I am not physically able, because I am. But I have problem with communications and dealing with work social things. I have issues with normal social stuff on every day. I can and I have worked for a short period of time, but such things always drain me mentally and make things difficult for me in the long run. It would also prevent me from monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes as I do now. I am also writing more stories and I have already published one, even if I have not yet sold many copies so far.

Blog post updated at 20:45 UTC. Time of the earthquake corrected.
Blog post updated at 21:55 UTC.

Three earthquakes in Hekla volcano system

Today (03-Mars-2014) three earthquakes where detected in Hekla volcano system. All three earthquakes where small with none having magnitude above 1,0.

The earthquakes in Hekla volcano system. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

No other change has been detected in Hekla volcano at this time. Earthquake activity has been taking place in Hekla volcano in the past. It is not clear what is the source or why this earthquake activity is taking place. It is possible to watch Hekla volcano here on my webicorders and live images can be found here. If something happens, but I think it is unlikely to do so at present time.

Donation notice: Please remember to support my work. Otherwise I am looking at really broke month of Mars-2014. It is also possible to buy my first e-book short story here. Thanks for the support.

Main geophone network computer is down due to a hardware failure

As many have noticed, my webicorder website is no longer updating and has not done so since 9-December-2013. The reason why it is not updating is simple. The computer that handles the updates is now totally ruined. It was the victim of the capacitor plague that took place few years ago, the main-board that failed is from the year 2007 (7 years old) and it clear that this issue with capacitor was not over when this motherboard was made.

The blown capacitors on the motherboard. As can be seen, it is totally ruined. Image is under Creative Commons Licence, please see CC Licence page for more details.

Second picture of the damage to the capacitors on the motherboard. Image is under Creative Commons Licence, please see CC Licence page for more details.

This failure was so bad it crashed my router and internet connection until I was able to reboot it when I got back home. Cost of a new computer (motherboard+cpu+graphic card+memory) is 268,16€ (350€ if I want to have some space to adjust if something isn’t available) according to my best estimate. I just want to buy and install it my self. I guess the hard drive is fine, but I have not yet tested it and I guess that I won’t test it until I get new computer. As my finances currently stand there is no hope that I am going to be able to afford this any time soon. So any donations in order to help me fix this problem are welcomed.

Without the webicorder website and this computer I am not going to be able to post high resolutions of earthquakes and it is not going to be possible to monitor earthquake swarms in Iceland in close to real time. Since this computer did handle all geophones in one place. It also uploaded the images for the geophones and I had on it the software to locate and analyse earthquakes that took place in Iceland and worldwide. This computer also allowed me to monitor for earthquakes in Denmark and other nearby countries if anything major did happen (earthquakes over magnitude 5,0). I hope that I can replace this hardware soon. Just how soon that is going to be I do not know at the moment.

Magnitude 3,5 earthquake on the Reykjanes peninsula

Donation notice: This site is now advertisement free as explained here. So that now I ask instead for donations to keep this site up and running. See here for details how to support my work. Thanks for the support.

Today (7-January-2014) at 12:11 UTC an magnitude 3,5 earthquake took place on the Reykjanes Peninsula. This earthquake was part of an swarm that has been taking place in this area of Reykjanes peninsula for past two weeks.

The earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes peninsula. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

I am not sure how this earthquake swarm is going to evolve, but there is a risk of more earthquakes in this area. But most of them are going to be minor, or less then 3,0 in magnitude.

No updates on webicorder images due to internet connection failure

At the moment the webicorders are not updating due to a hardware failure in my apartment in Denmark. I am not sure what has failed, but it appears as my wan router has failed. How it has failed I do not yet know and I won’t know until in January-2014 when I get back home. I am trying to work on a fix remotely, but it is unlikely to work. I am also hoping that my wan router might reboot it self and start working again. But I find that might not happen or work.

If this fixes it self it would be great, but the chances are it is not going to happen. Until then the webicorder images that I run are not going to be updated. There is little that I can do about it at the moment.